1m Aus 3 Pin Wall to IEC C13 Male to Female Power Cable


This 1m Aus 3 Pin Wall to IEC C13 Male to Female Power Cable is designed for...


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1m Aus 3 Pin Wall to IEC C13 Male to Female Power Cable

小贩: EZYPC Computer Store

1m Aus 3 Pin Wall to IEC C13 Male to Female Power Cable

$14.99 $9.99

小贩: EZYPC Computer Store

1m Aus 3 Pin Wall to IEC C13 Male to Female Power Cable

$14.99 $9.99

This 1m Aus 3 Pin Wall to IEC C13 Male to Female Power Cable is designed for use with a variety of computers and office equipment. It features a female IEC-C13 connector and a male Australian 3-pin mains wall plug with insulated pins, all in compliance with AS/NZS3112 standards. The cable itself has been approved by the Electrical Safety Authority and boasts a black, moulded design with a 10A/250V rating.
